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Residents flock to meeting on sustainable development in Lewes district

16th July 2024

More than 100 concerned residents gathered in Ringmer on Monday night to discuss sustainable development in the Lewes district.

It was standing room only at the event organised by the Lewes District branch of CPRE Sussex and held at Ringmer Village Hall.

Speakers included Cllr Laurence O’Connor, Lewes District Council cabinet member for planning, and CPRE Sussex director Paul Steedman.

They spoke to the crowd about the need to protect the Low Weald countryside while also providing the types of new housing which can meet the housing crisis.

Mr Steedman said: “With a new government promising action on housing and climate, we have a real opportunity to get the affordable housing and low-carbon energy we need. But it must be done in the right way.

“We need to put the protection of nature, water and landscape on an equal footing with genuinely-affordable homes for rent and put local people, via their elected representatives, in charge, not profit-hungry developers.

“If the Government simply tears up planning rules the Sussex countryside will suffer.”

Key concerns raised at the meeting included how Lewes’ emerging Local Plan will balance new homes with safeguarding green spaces.

Residents also questioned whether the Government will change the formula for housing targets to enable Lewes District Council to protect valued countryside, clean up rivers and protect nature, while also providing affordable homes.

The meeting also heard about the work CPRE Sussex is doing to protect, promote and enhance the countryside and urban green spaces.

This includes planting rural hedgerows and urban street trees and campaigns to restore flint walls and secure more rooftop solar energy in the past 12 months alone.

Find out more about the work of the CPRE Sussex Lewes District branch, including its responses to crucial planning issues, at