Benfield Valley is wrong site for proposed development
The Benfield Valley is a green space with dormice, slow worms and other wildlife. It forms a green wedge linking western Hove and Portslade to the South Downs National Park.
The planning application (BH2024/01720) is for development of a total of 101 dwellings (C3 use) of 2-4 storeys in height to include change of use of part of footgolf course and car park (F2 use) and demolition of derelict cottages and erection of new dwellings. Works to Benfield Barn to create community hub facility including café and footgolf use (F2 use). Erection of 4 new workshops of 1-2 storeys within footprints of Barn outbuilding ruins (E(g)/F2 use). Community use on ground floor of new residential marker building (F2 use). Landscaping works including allotments/orchards. Ecological works. Creation of and upgrades to pedestrian and cycle routes. Associated alterations to existing vehicular access off Hangleton Lane and provision of car and cycle parking. Associated off-site landscaping and ecological works to wider Valley including provision of parkland south of Hangleton Lane for community use.
The impact of the proposed development on protected wildlife, habitat connectivity, amenity for people walking and cycling through the valley, landscape value, the setting of the South Downs National Park and the connections between urban and rural, will be significant and negative. CPRE Sussex therefore objects to the application.
CPRE Sussex previously objected unsuccessfully to the allocation of this site for any housing in the City Plan.
More about the site and sign the petition:
CPRE Sussex objection to the application: Benfield Valley objection 2024