Brighton & Hove District Update February 2019
CPRE Brighton is focusing on 3 areas of work;
Protecting the ‘Urban Fringe’
We are currently looking at proposals for ‘Toads Hole Valley’ ( H2018/03633) which is an Outline application for the development of up to 880 dwellings, a secondary school, office floorspace etc on land between King George VI Avenue and the A27 in Hove. This site abuts the National Park. We are concerned about the landscape impacts on the park, the access arrangements (including several access points on the very steep King George VI Ave) and biodiversity impacts. We will shortly be submitting our comments. We continue to work with residents of Ovingdean who are desperately trying to protect precious green spaces and wildlife. We submitted an objection to BH2018/01336 at ‘Badgers Walk.’ (See below.) We are really concerned that the council is allowing development on Wildlife Sites. This is illustrated by appalling proposals to develop at Whitehawk Hill (no application in yet but consultation underway.) We wrote a joint letter with the Sussex Wildlife Trust to ask that the Council rethink these damaging proposals and are supporting the ‘Save Whitehawk Hill’ campaign.
Plant your Postcode – project to expand tree coverage in the City.
We have put in 3 funding bids to begin our ‘Plant your Postcode’ project, which aims to increase the number of trees in the Cities streets and Parks
Access to the countryside
In the longer term we would like to be able to promote access to the countryside for all City residents, providing information about how you can walk into the countryside on your doorstep!