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South Downs National Park Authority consults on affordable housing

The South Downs National Park Authority is preparing an Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

The Authority is inviting responses to the amended draft Affordable Housing SPD and the  Consultation Statement before  adopting the SPD.

The SPD supports the South Downs Local Plan Local Plan Objective 8: ‘To protect and provide for the social and economic wellbeing of National Park communities supporting local jobs, affordable homes and local facilities’. It provides further guidance to support implementation of the South Downs Local Plan policies, particularly Policy SD28: Affordable Homes and Policy SD29: Rural Exception Sites.  It also covers a number of detailed matters including viability appraisal; financial contributions in lieu of on-site provision; vacant building credit; and review mechanisms. Once adopted, the SPD will be a material consideration for relevant planning applications.

The Authority consulted on a draft of the SPD from September to November 2019. In its response CPRE Sussex broadly supported the approach in the SPD, but advised further consideration of issues relating to rural exception sites and affordable housing to be delivered and managed by Community Land Trusts.

You can download:

CPRE Sussex comments on SDNP Affordable Housing SPD Consultation Nov 2019 (272kb)

The Authority amended the SPD in the light of consultation responses.

You can now respond to the amended draft SPD and the Consultation Statement from Monday 2 March to Monday 30 March 2020. You can find the consultation documents on the South Downs National Park Authority website.