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Special offer: Dark Skies greeting card packs only £3 + P+P

Buy these cards of the night sky by Sussex artist, film-make and citizen scientist Steve Geliot

Campaigner Steve Geliot has worked with CPRE Sussex spreading awareness about our Dark Skies campaign. His recent exhibition Undercurrents, with fellow artist Louise McCurdy at Phoenix Art Space in Brighton, came about after several years of observing the starling murmurations on Brighton’s shoreline. Alongside habitat depletion and pesticide and fungicide use, Geliot demonstrates that light pollution is having an increasingly negative impact on insect populations – and those of the birds that feed on them.

Shoals of Stars Swam at my Feet by artist and photographer Steve Geliot.. “I have been a keen noctambulist since I was a teenager. I make photographs and drawings from these night walks mainly to convey the vivid reveries which come with these experiences.”

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