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Tell your MP to support climate-friendly Eurostar

Eurostar is struggling to avoid bankruptcy – we need to act now.


The Covid-19 pandemic has hit Eurostar badly with a dramatic fall in passenger numbers. While the challenges facing Eurostar are similar to those facing airlines, unlike the airlines, Eurostar has not received similar government support.

A trip on the Eurostar generates just one tenth of the emissions of flying – making it a key tool in the fight against the climate crisis. The UK government should be prioritising train travel if it is to meet its target of reducing the UK’s emissions by at least 68% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. This would set the UK on the path to net zero by 2050.

It’s time for us to take action to urge the government to support Eurostar. Please write to your MP or go to the website of the Possible campaign and send a letter to the Department for Transport