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Urban forest initiative awarded two grants

An environmental project to plant hundreds more trees in and around Brighton and Hove has received a double financial boost totalling £14,700.

Plant Your Postcode has been awarded a £10,000 grant from the National Lottery and a further £4,700 in funding from the Rampion Fund at Sussex Community Foundation.

The project, which is to be launched next month, aims to grow an urban forest of street trees which will transform the local environment, tackle climate change and improve the health of residents living throughout the area.

The project is a joint initiative by CPRE Sussex and Hove Civic Society to halt the decline of existing trees and to breathe new life into the city’s streets by planting new trees in every postcode.

“Street trees can make a real difference to how a street looks and feels, as well as providing a home for wildlife,” says CPRE Director, Kia Trainor, “Unfortunately, many of our street trees, urban woods and parks are under threat from disease, old age and climate change. Without action the tree cover in Brighton will be severely impacted.”

“Our Plant Your Postcode Project is an ambitious project which relies on community involvement and the generosity of sponsors so these two grants will make an enormous difference”.

CPRE Sussex will be working with Brighton and Hove City Council and the Green Spaces Forum to identify potential sites for tree planting. Local people are also being encouraged to suggest new areas for trees and to become involved in planting trees near their homes.

“We want anyone interested in getting trees planted in their street to get in touch with us so that we can help them to make Brighton and Hove a truly ‘green’ city”.

Plant Your Postcode is to be launched at The Hotel Du Vin, Ship Street, Brighton at 4pm on June 20th.