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Spreading the Net for Climate Action

Volunteer groups in Worthing have formed a unique partnership with their local councils to inspire more people to take positive action on the environment.

Worthing Climate Action Network (Worthing CAN) and Transition Town Worthing formed the partnership with Adur & Worthing Councils to organise and run a large-scale conference about climate change.

The Zero 2030 Conference was held in March this year – just before lockdown. It attracted hundreds of local people, showcasing 30 local environmental organisations and inspiring a wave of new initiatives.

‘The conference had a real buzz,’ says Worthing CAN member, Michelle Furtado. ‘And the feedback from the event was great.’

‘By partnering with the council, as volunteer groups, we were able to expand our capacity and engage a far wider audience. Ongoing work to deliver the outcomes and support community action also has access to the council’s networks.’

Worthing CAN is now looking at ways to develop the ideas emerging from the event.

‘We are due to meet virtually with Transition Town Worthing and the two councils to develop the next steps,’ says Michelle. ‘All organisations are 100% committed to ensuring we tackle climate change and the impacts for our communities.’

‘We do not want the conference to be the end – it is the beginning of real change.’