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About Chichester District

Chichester District covers an area of almost 800 km2 and is the largest of the seven districts and boroughs within West Sussex.

The District stretches from the south coast to the southern border of Surrey and East Hampshire in the north; and from South Hampshire in the west to Arun and Horsham in the east. A large part (544 km2 ) of the north of the District forms part of the South Downs National Park. The cathedral city of Chichester is the main settlement. In the North of the District, the “Low Weald” landscape is characterised by a mix of pasture and medium to small scale arable fields. Further south, the Downland footslopes feature semi-open, large scale, arable fields and paddocks.

The extensive coastline, which forms the southern border of the Plan area, varies in character, with shingle ridges, sandy beaches, and a variety of wetlands, salt marsh and harbours, including the Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The coastal and harbour areas are important for biodiversity, recreation and tourism. The District has internationally designated habitats; Special Protection Areas, Special Areas of Conservation, and Ramsar sites and nationally designated Sites of Special Scientific Interest. There are also various local designations for biodiversity, heritage and landscape, such as Sites of Nature Conservation Importance, and National and Local Nature Reserves, as well as a number of Regionally Important Geological/Geomorphological sites – a local designation to protect geology.

Our CPRE Chichester group works to protect these unique natural features and also promote the wellbeing of local communities. To contact us email: Dr Jill Suttcliffe via

Please note. Our local representatives generously volunteer their time. They may not always be able to respond straight away.